He Never Stops

One of the most encouraging things about the nature of Almighty God, is that He is active. Yes, He rests, but even in resting He is doing something. But, He never turns off, goes to sleep, or ceases to care. He doesn’t take a vacation from being God. Anytime I’m discouraged, or feel like I want to stop, I remember this. Of course, I’m not Him, so I can’t keep up His pace. But, l can trust His power, and more than that I can trust His activity.
That is an important concept, trusting His activity. It helps us remember that no matter what we do, God has done more behind the curtains than we may ever know. Every ministry is but a small visible indication of a far larger invisible reality.

An Illustration of Revival

At church this morning I praised the Lord to see an in-person choir once again. It has been a long time since I have had that experience. And it was so fitting in my mind to see this on Resurrection Sunday. But, I will not at this time start a discussion about covid and when it is or is not appropriate to have a choir.Instead today I would like to highlight how that the restrictions associated with the covid pandemic are a great illustration of the need for revival in many Christian hearts. Just as covid has hampered our normal ways of doing things, times of spiritual lethargy can do the same.
Revival occurs when Christians return to the spiritual zeal and steadfast love for Christ that had once characterized their lives.
Though many are reluctant to accept it, evangelism will occur when the church is healthy. In our day we have fallen into the trap of thinking we can have paid ministers to save the lost while the rest of the church languishes in spiritual laxity. This is, and always has been, a lie.
The lost get saved when the church gets healthy, strong, and bold in Christ.

Christ the Lord is risen today! Please ask the other followers of Christ you know to join with us in prayer for revival in the US church today.

Social Media Spirituality

Take a look at my post on the Devotional from Mark 9:38: https://www.lognewant.com/2016/01/mark-938.html?m=1

The disciples didn’t want to let just anyone speak for Christ. But it was wrong for them to stop this individual.
However, Jesus did set a standard that we should be careful to observe. He said those who are not against Him are for Him. So how do we apply this today?
I see hosts of people taking to social media to pontificate about one spiritual subject or another. Are these people ok? I mean is it ok to speak the truth by yourself?
I think the key Jesus is giving us here is compatibility. For example, we can ask three things:
1. Is the person’s message consistent with the true purpose of the gospel?
2. Is the person a member in good standing of a local, bible-preaching, church?
3. Is the person reasonable and teachable, or antagonistic and obnoxious?

I fear that, all too often, Christians (or at least those who claim Christ) are guilty of the same virtue-signaling, shaming, and gossipy social interaction we see so commonly online. We must ask ourselves, if I wouldn’t say it in my Sunday School class, or in public to someone’s face, why am I saying it online?
We must always remember that though we are in this world, we are not of it. We don’t necessarily need to cut ties to our social media, but we must carefully consider the message we are sending to this lost world.
If you are going to be ignored or attacked, make sure it is because of too much Christ in your message, not too much of you.

Commanded to Preach

The preaching of the gospel is a command. We don’t do it because it is effective, or because it is relevant, or because it is timely for our generation. All of these things are true. But, we do it for only one reason. Jesus told us to.

Growing Interest

This whole process is new to me. I’ve never had a ministry I had to promote quite the same way as this. But, I am committed to not marketing. Too often we fall into the marketing trap in ministry. Instead, I want to inform and promote interest by offering a benefit to those I am ministering to.
Please pray for me as I navigate this.

It’s Still the Church

The local church in America needs all the encouragement it can get. I know that no church is perfect. I know sometimes churches have problems. But, remember, spiritually speaking, the church is on the front lines. It is a spiritual battleground.

Sometimes we tend to drop the word spiritual and just make it a literal battleground. This is wrong. Church is meant to be a place of healing, help, and hope.

I urge you, encourage your church leadership. Pray for your membership. Promote the gospel ministry. Regardless of foibles, flaws, or failures, the church is still the means by which Jesus Christ is reaching a lost and dying world.

Will God Revive America?

I remember when I was a youngster people debating if the Lord would revive America. I am not going to try to give a final answer to that question. What God does in nations is in His plan. However, I will say this. We must never give up on revival in the church. Regardless of conditions in the nation, the church in America can, and should, be revived.

REvive Ministries – Revivalism

This ministry is intended to be a help to the local church. I want to be used as an encouragement to the people of God in the body of Christ. I am an evangelist, but I think of myself more as a ‘revivalist’ than anything.What is a revlivalist? Revivalism is about seeing the people of God revitalized. The goal is for God’s people to be renewed, refreshed, and reinvigorated. The Holy Spirit accomplishes this ministry. And, when the church is revived – evangelism follows. That is my firm belief. A healthy church WILL reach the lost. Revival always leads to an uptick in evangelism.
It is my prayer that I can partner with Pastors to come alongside and encourage congregations to live as authentic Christians. A good revival speaker doesn’t come to give the people something the Pastor cannot. Instead, a revivalist helps by restating what the ministers of the church have already been telling the people. He serves as confirmation that the message of the need for renewal in God’s people is not unique to the Pastor or other ministers of the church.


The new website is ready to go! Praying for 10 meetings this year. Asking for prayer partners.


My Pastor at Grace Baptist Church made this statement today. “There is no room for joy in a heart full of sin.” I think the converse can also be true. If your heart is full of God’s peace, joy, love, and hope, there will be no room left for sin. Live that abundant life that Jesus gives His disciples, and sin will find it hard to rent room in your head.